

Evasion Experiences of American Aircrews in World War II

In the three years from 1942 to 1945, the Army Air Forces suffered over 90,000 casualties in Europe. Approximately 34,000 were killed and 35,000 became prisoners of war. But over 3,000 successfully evaded the enemy to return home.

Evade dives into the memories of six of those evaders, and shows that though the escape networks have changed, important human elements in the experience of a downed flier have remained much the same over time.

Told in their own words, the stories of these true American heroes come to life through footage of actual shoot-downs and through the artifacts of the Ralph Patton Collection of the United States Air Force Academy.

The Friends and the Air Forces Escape and Evasion Society sponsored this DVD based on the Academy’s Ralph Patton Collection and on interviews with successful evaders from World War II.

Scenes From the Video